Purebasic goto
Purebasic goto

purebasic goto

In v1 AutoHotkey fails there because most advanced users tend to avoid the GUI commands, labels - therefore they are not useful to the users that want AutoHotkeys advanced features. The jump to parameterless functions is the easiest if you start with parameterless functions.Īll languages focus on their advanced users and create an environmet in which advanced users can use all parts of the language easily. Where they have functions called from or inside of labels, and labels that are contained within functions. And as can be seen within numerous scripts, people can and do use both at the same time. Then the jump from labels to parameterless functions becomes small, and from there the jump to functions with parameters. The concept of labels is just more simple to explain and initially use. And the AutoHotkey language is introduced by those label features, by the vast majority of sources when a Google search is done.Īs I mentioned, it's not that functions are unexplainable (particularly parameterless functions), but rather that non-programmers would not of had experience with them. Quite a large segment of users enjoy using labels, g-labels, and hotkey labels. As clearly that's not the case, it should be clear that something else is at work. If functions were so easily understood, then that would be evident on this and those forums. While you might believe this to be true, I was not the one who taught vast numbers of users on the AutoHotkey forums, Reddit, or Stackoverflow.

purebasic goto

Thus it would be useful for the majority, as oppose to the minority. A language can be good at doing both, the easy and difficult. If it become no different than the other languages that exist, then it loses it's luster and appeal. I think one of the main points of AutoHotkey is ease of use and understanding. Unless of course you were making things that were difficult in other languages, and making them easier in AutoHotkey. It would likely create a convoluted and difficult to use language, that would be understood and useful to the few, not the many. To have a language that only focused on advanced features and techniques, would probably eliminate the vast majority of users. Which features are used would be relative to the ability and experience of the user, contrasted against the types of tasks they are faced with and wish to perform. I think there is a disconnect in this logic. With that stated, I do acknowledge that a developer would have a different mindset about such, but then how many users are developers? Which is why WinBatch, AutoIt, and AutoHotkey came about. I dare say many don't want to use C++ or rather have an easier alternative. If people are using AutoHotkey and not C++, then perhaps it should be clear why this is so. We could make the argument that AutoHotkey doesn't need ControlClick or WinActivate, that instead we should use the equivalent function in C++. It might be that you are confusing AutoHotkey having features that are not usually available in traditional programming languages as being bad. We could just strip AutoHotkey down, until it looks just like the C++ that it came from. Why even use AutoHotkey? Just start using C, C++, Object Pascal, etc. To remove key features that AutoHotkey is known for and those things that makes it easy to use, is to make it the equivalent of any other traditional language. Removing labels will make things more difficult, not easier. You also can't design a language or its features for the people that don't even use it. To me it seems like you are not very good at explaining things, or maybe your personal opinions about the difficulty of functions seeps through and affects people. Going by 2 the presence of labels does cause issues for these people. While not everyone uses advanced features all the time the people that do should be the focus when creating these features.

purebasic goto

If they want advanced features they probably need to learn the advanced techniques. That useless clutter makes the language more difficult.ģ) We are talking about the creation of GUIs which is very much part of usage beyond automation. You can't have the exact same way to reference them both since they are on separate namespaces. I say we remove the label pitfall to make things easier on people.Ģ) you need special syntaxes to use both. 1) isn't that a point to remove labels and hotkey labels entirely, so that people don't waste their time learning them when they generally aren't that useful for the language?

Purebasic goto